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Our Impact Mission

Our Impact Mission

At Coast & Country Cottages, our purpose is to create lasting holiday memories with a positive social and environmental impact.

Our Impact Mission Statement

Keep up to date with our journey right here, as we aim to:

  • Reduce our carbon emissions by at least 50% by 2030 – and reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050
  • Work with at least 20 biodiversity projects throughout our financial year
  • Become a single use plastic free business and achieve Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Free Business by 2024
  • Enable 100 disadvantaged families to go on holiday every year
  • Inspire and enable 100% of our team to volunteer every year
  • Positively impact at least 10 community and charity initiatives

Follow Our Impact Mission here…

26th June 2023

Proud to Be Part of the B Corp Certified Sykes Family!

Coast and Country Cottages is proud to be a part of Sykes Holiday Cottages, now a Certified B Corp!...

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2nd December 2020

Local children design Coast & Country Cottages 2021 calendar

Each year, we at Coast & Country Cottages produce a calendar to give to our holiday home owners and...

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23rd November 2020

Coast & Country Cottages receives Covid-19 Heroes Award

Devon and Cornwall Police have bestowed Coast & Country Cottages with their coveted Covid-19 Heroes Award. The certificate of...

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6 years ago

Salcombe RNLI receives £500 Christmas donation

Coast & Country Cottages has donated £500 to Salcombe RNLI instead of sending out hundreds of Christmas cards to...

6 years ago

Plastic Clever Salcombe: come along to Paddle and Pick

The founders of Plastic Clever Salcombe are on a mission this summer to raise awareness about microplastics in, on...